APPLICATIO has been commissioned by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH to develop an e-Learning course on "Climate Proofing" for and with the Nile Basin Initiative (NBI). APPLICATIO will prepare the already partly existing course in terms of content, methodology and didactics for the e-Learning Platform of GIZ and publish it there.
the Global Project “Enhancing Climate Services for Infrastructure Investments” (CSI) has developed a variety of both in-person and e-learning courses together with its partners. Among them is a moodle-based e-learning course developed together with the Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) that is hosted on the online platform of the NBI. Currently, the project is also working with its partner the Climate Risk Institute (CRI) on developing further materials to add to the courses, especially for the module on Climate Risk Assessments. In order to make the e-learning materials accessible to a broader audience and facilitate the scaling of awareness-raising trainings at a global scale, the aim is now to also make the existing E-Learning modules available on Atingi.