Hier finden Sie alle unsere Seiten im Überblick
- Facilitating Central Project Evaluations Sudan
- CD-Strategy "Food-Systems"
- Support InfoDesk Ukraine
- CapacityWORKS Trainings 2025
- UNAM Campus Inaugurated
- Learning Nuggets - Publication in xPORT of BiBB
- Welcome
- In Short
- Responsibility
- Atmosfair
- Fair Company
- Diversity as Chance
- 123 Children's Laughter
- APPLICATIO wins Mobility Award
- Soccer Youth in Mongolia
- AWiSA Network
- Own A Color (UNICEF)
- APPLICATIO-Girls win!
- Aktion Sonnenstern
- Beds for the Blind
- Code-of-Conduct and Environmental Policy
- Climate neutral Web-Site
- Mongolia Book Challenge
- Support to Youth Soccer-Club in Mongolia
- Success-Factor: Family
- Progress Index Compatibility
- Responsibility
- News
- Fair Company
- Atmosfair
- Diversity as Chance
- 123 Children's Laughter
- APPLICATIO wins Mobility Award
- First contract by GIZ
- Academic Book on E-Learning
- Soccer Youth in Mongolia
- AWiSA Network
- Own A Color (UNICEF)
- New Rep-Office in Namibia
- APPLICATIO-Girls win!
- German Mongolian Entrepreneur Association
- MMB E-Learning Ranking
- Aktion Sonnenstern
- APPLICATIO Social Networks
- Beds for the Blind
- Fund-Raising 20 Years APPLICATIO
- Awards from Mongolia
- End-of-Year Review 2013
- New Team Member - Welcome
- Code-of-Conduct and Environmental Policy
- Climate neutral Web-Site
- Mongolia Book Challenge
- Hamburg Consulting Award
- Hamburger Consulting Award for APPLICATIO
- New Strategic Partnership
- APPLICATIO to be Official Joomla! Learning Partner
- Support to Youth Soccer-Club in Mongolia
- APPLICATIO is Member of ValueLinks Association e.V.
- Logframer Version 3.0 released
- Success-Factor: Family
- APPLICATIO in GIZ Brochure
- Silver Medal for UB-United in Shanghai
- German-Mongolian Cooperation Project 2018
- APPLICATIO on Instagram
- Principles for Digital Development
- Progress Index Compatibility
- International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
- "Corona" Policy
- Extended eServices
- Hackathon #WirvsVirus
- Leading Employer - APPLICATIO amongst Top 1%
- APPLICATIO and Curriculum globALE
- Experience from two Years of Online Conferences
- Principles for Digital Development: Silver
- New Partnership: Akompani
- On the Way to Climate Neutrality
- APPLICATIO is Carbon Neutral
- APPLICATIO supports Alliance for Development and Climate
- Leading Employer - APPLICATIO amongst Top 1% for 2023
- International Charter for Ethical Research Involving Children
- APPLICATIO again Carbon Neutral
- Soft Skills - Publication in xPORT of BiBB
- Social Media Links
- Women's Empowerment Principles
- Coaching for Projects
- News
- Representatives
- Partners
- Memberships
- Projects News
- E-Learning Tutor Training Africa
- Labour Market and Career Guidance System - Mongolia
- Project Planning
- Health Management Philippines
- ProNet
- APD-Evaluation
- Start-up Consulting "Kara Nawa Safaris"
- Leadership Training for IAEA
- Study Tour HRM
- Study Tour Energy Management
- MCA - VET Mongolia
- Support to PALAMA
- Impact-Oriented Monitoring
- Soft-Skills Training Mongolia
- Training Portfolio AIZ
- ProNet 2012-2013
- Training of BIBB Consultants
- Leadership-Training RED (SADC)
- eLearning Quality Mongolia
- Tourismusplatform Namibia
- Training Platform Mongolia
- Change Leadership African Peace and Security
- eLearning Development FOSS
- Workshop TVET Certification
- Economic Development Central Asia
- eLearning Africa
- Alumni Conference Mongolia
- Launch: Tourism Training Namibia
- Project Evaluation Philippines
- Project Evaluation Kenya
- Leadership Training Statistics Agency Namibia
- Support to Transition Process in Yemen
- Leadership in the Water Sector in Egypt
- Study Tour Training-Management South Africa
- Tourism-Training Stakeholder Analysis - Georgia
- Establishment of a Training Centre REDD+ in SADC
- Evaluation System European Integration Office Serbia
- Consulting Alumni Network Balkan
- Transformation Process Yemen
- Consultant Database Namibia
- HCD-Strategy Education
- Project Planning TVET Kenya
- Water Infrastructure Financing - SADC
- Research and Development Center for Bio-Products
- Blended Learning Project Management
- HCD Concept Good Financial Governance Africa
- Women in Business
- Support to Business Associations - Mongolia
- Human Capacity Development in TVET Myanmar
- Training for IAEA 2014
- Wildlife Management UNAM
- Energy Development West Mongolia
- Project Evaluation India
- Project Planing Caucasus
- E-Learning Strategy Albania
- Wertschöpfungskette Wolle Mongolei (2)
- Training: Needs-Assessment and M&E
- Assistance to the European Integration Office - Serbien
- Alumni-Landscape Analysis - Namibia
- E-Learning Coastal Biodiversity Management - India
- Project Monitoring Systems
- Project Management Training China
- e-Learning UNAM Namibia
- Operational Planning Workshop Zambia
- Operational Planning Workshop Namibia
- Training-of-Trainers India
- SEQUA-Project Planning Africa
- Project Evaluations
- GIZ Training Afghanistan
- Value Chain Development Mongolia
- GIZ Training-Hub Bangkok
- Community Manager Workshop
- Models for Sustainabilty for Partnerships 2030
- EBRD Small Business Support Training
- Project Monitoring
- "Centers of Learning" CDIA
- Online-Training for Community Managers
- Certification as Joomla! Administrator
- Online-Tutoring for Community Manager
- Concept/Moderation: African Governance Days
- Study Civil Peace Service Philippines
- Project Evaluation Zambia
- Success-Factors of Multi-Actor-Partnerships
- Study-Tour Top-Manager Mongolia
- Project Evaluation Palestine
- Training-of-Trainers Forest Sector Vietnam
- Monitoring System Make-IT Africa
- Training Concept Procurement
- Workshop Facilitation "SPS Challenges and Opportunities"
- Competency Development Framework "Inclusive Business Action Network"
- Small Business Initiative Mongolia
- Toolbox Academy for International Cooperation
- Wildlife-Management Namibia
- e-Learning: Crafts in Development Cooperation
- YouMatch: Study on Quality of Internships
- Evaluation "Integrated Asset Management for Water Utilities in South-Eastern Europe"
- Engaging with Indian BMOs on German dual VET
- Framework Contract Evaluation for GIZ
- Evaluation for DVV International
- Facilitation "Project-Remote-Steering" Afghanistan in Dubai
- Facilitation "Greater Tumen Initiative" Mongolia
- Framework Contract Study-Tours GIZ
- Market-Study: Digital Tools for M&E
- Business Plan for the East African Health Platform
- Project Evaluation South Africa
- Training Design "Gender-Based Violence" in Zambia
- Ex-Post Training Evaluation for Better Migration Management
- Workshop "Proposal Writing" Mongolia
- GIZ M&E System Yemen
- SDSN Toolbox for Network Managers
- Online Trainings for GIZ-Teams
- Human Resources Development-Roadmap GIZ
- Project Planning Workshop West-Balkan
- Project Cycle Management Course for GIZ
- Support to Greater Tumen Initiative in Mongolia
- Biogas-Project Planning Uganda
- Digitale Platform "Adult education" (DVV)
- Review of "Curriculum globALE" of DVV
- Webinars WB6 (DIHK/SEQUA)
- Africa Cloud Webinars for GIZ
- Project Planning Sri Lanka
- Virtual Network Management
- Webinar-Series "EU Co-Financing"
- M&E Tools Migration Management
- Online Training IT for GIZ
- CapacityWORKS and Projekt Planning Serbia
- Big Picture: HRD Ethiopia
- Planning Workshop Balkan
- GIZ Facilitation "Social Security"
- e-Learning Course "Employment Effects"
- Evaluation "Partners for Review Network"
- Project Evaluations GIZ
- Virtual Planning Workshop Uganda
- Pre-Appraisal TVTE Jordan
- Result-based Monitoring Nigeria
- Appraisal Missions for SEQUA
- Fine-tuning Workhops SEQUA
- Organisational Development - Business Scouts for Development
- Curriculum GlobALE Institutionalization in Tajikistan
- Sustainable Capacity Development "GFG Zambia"
- Fact-Finding for AFOS-Foundation
- LogFrame Training Tajikistan
- Support to SDSN Uganda & Sahel
- APPLICATIO and SDG 6: Water
- APPLICATIO and SDG 10: Equality
- Capacity Development African Union
- Evaluative Study Education Rwanda
- APPLICATIO and SDG 5: Gender Mainstreaming
- GTI Chamber Association
- Project Evaluation Turkey
- e-Learning "Data use in the Policy-making Process"
- SEQUA Project Evaluation Balkan
- GIZ CapacityWORKS Trainings
- e-Learning Development Cambodia
- APPLICATIO and SDG 15: Life on Land
- Impact of GIZ Sector Networks
- OnSITE Operations Training for GIZ
- SEQUA Evaluation Partnership Kenia
- GIZ Evaluation develoPPP Kosovo
- Assessment of 12 Pilot Projects
- APPLICATIO and SDG 16: Peace
- Toolkit Training "Climate Mobility"
- e-Learning "Future of IT-enabled Services"
- Organisational Development CPDAE
- Expert-Pool Project Planning GIZ
- Support of Sport for Development of GIZ
- Home Nursing Portal (German Embassy)
- Planning Workshop South Africa
- Planning Workshop Kenya
- Online- and Blended Trainings of AIZ (GIZ)
- Analysis of NTB in CEFTA
- Team-Workshops TVET-Academy
- Expert Pool Johanniter Auslandhilfe
- Expert Pool Sport for Development
- e-Learning Development "Nile Basin Initiative"
- APPLICATIO and SDG 13: Climate
- Development of virtual Leadership Training
- Planning Workshop Sri Lanka for OAV
- Projects in Asia
- Support to GIZ in Rwanda
- Planning Workshop Moldova (bbw)
- Planning Workshop Ukraine
- GIZ Onboarding Balkan
- GIZ Whistleblower/stop-it Complaints System Training
- Onboarding Leadership Training of GIZ
- CapacityWORKS Training Ghana (AIZ)
- Workshop and Training Crop Trust
- Team- und Strategy-Workshop GIZ
- CapacityWORKS Training & Coaching Ghana
- Virtual Appraisal Mission Rwanda
- APPLICATIO and SDG 1: No Poverty
- APPLICATIO and SDG 4: Education
- APPLICATIO and SDG 8: Economic Growth
- "OnSITE Operations" Training extended for one year
- Supporting Bridges of Trust
- Projects Africa
- APPLICATIO and SDG 3: Health
- Projects Worldwide
- Projects Europe
- Project News
- APPLICATIO and SDG 17: Partnerships
- Training
- Consulting
- e-Service
- References
- ... by Regions
- Overview
- ... by SDGs
- Overview
- Clients
- Sectors
- Projects (since 2005)
- Misc.
- Jobs